David Chase & A Charlie Brown Christmas – Studio 360.
And the real “Santa Claus” story.
David Chase & A Charlie Brown Christmas – Studio 360.
And the real “Santa Claus” story.
Sounds like this would be a great starter guide and website on the practicality of living the sensory processing issues.
Sensory processing disorder – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Would rather be under a weighty blanket than outside on a 60 degree day in the middle of December because that would mean I would not be having clothing pressing on my skin – it would be light, airy possibly non-long sleeved clothing. Also, too many people would be at the park. Need to find tight clothing for a warm day.
This is just a link to their general introduction to the article. But it has gotten me thinking about how my senses deal with input, and have, all my life.
Brené Brown on Leaning Into Our Vulnerability (video) | On Being.
I’m more bookmarking this for myself to watch later than blogging about it. I haven’t seen the video nor consumed any of the On Being interview content yet.
Little War on the Prairie | This American Life.
How Minnesota was started on the backs of a subset of the Sioux.
My Lai Massacre Political Cartoon | Teachinghistory.org.
I’m trying to reconcile in my own mind “teaching” versus inspiring. Teaching may prevent an ignorant re-occurrence of a “bad” act, or it may prevent learning important information or rational. What the USA needs, right now, is inspiration, as the ad on TV for Chevron’s teaching teachers more information so they can inspire greatness to occur.
I’m also trying to reconcile “history”. Is it propaganda or information spin or “truth” or stories.
Does the lecturing of “facts” and dates without proper applicability to the student help or hurt? Or is it one more piece of information to be given for a student to recite back for credit so he or she can graduate? In this day-in-age?
How could I have missed the fact that Hurricane Sandy is “worst case scenario” and on a full moon?
Please support the American Veterans who are qualified to work to get the certifications and/or jobs they are qualified for. I’m posting this after seeing http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-october-24-2012/exclusive—reintegrating-veterans-into-the-civilian-workforce
seen here
As of the 10pm CDT local station newscast (that I’m watching right now on October 20, 2012), I’m muting all political ads on TV. You should have caught me sooner. I can also look up your website to see if I agree with your views.