This gallery contains 9 photos.
I posted Autumn colors. Now I have snow pictures.
Maybe it’s too soon after it aired? I can’t find a link to an interview Terri Gross did of someone who talked about 5 famous Hollywood directors film-making WWII. Heard earlier today on my public radio station. Sorry I can’t … Continue reading
Wil Hylton: “Vanished” (Rebroadcast) | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR. Listened to. Interesting.
David McCullough, Jr.: “You Are Not Special” Rebroadcast | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR. Listened to it. Especially regarding the gifted, very interesting. Recommended
Global Warming ‘Windfall’: In These Places, Rising Temperatures Mean Booming Business | Weather Underground. I thought this was a great review of book pointing out some of the lesser known forces against climate change action.
Will GPS Change Our Standards for Privacy? : NPR. When will police be able to track criminals, and criminals spoof the police? And the old adage of advertising based on location?
Columbia PD: We need more officers to handle mental health situations | St. Louis. Kudos to someone seeing that mental health is an issue that needs more attention.
Jobs For The Autistic | On Point with Tom Ashbrook. Great interview and great story and needed badly today and going forward.
The Other Money | To the best of our KNOWLEDGE. Great hour of radio about money. I had not realized the age of money and debt, and provides the “correct” symbolism, especially considering facing the “fiscal cliff” in America.
Human Intelligence | Kurt Andersen. The text of what I just heard on the radio. See prior post. This is the “Santa Claus” story.