
Becuase everybody has problems, and some people need hope.




Ameteur Radio and emergency services. I have received a FCC Amateur Radio Technician Class Licence and call sign. I also now respect those who are licensed, for the amount of electronics that they know.


I believe in quality over quantity.



Loss of knowledge
Native American way of life, especially how to live more in harmony with nature, especially regarding Medicine and other knowledge that soon may be lost.
Attend a CPR training class
This is more for emergency preparedness and the increasing numbers of elderly in the USA and the increasing number of people with high blood pressure in the USA. You could save a life.
Earthquake loss prevention
If you can, brace your water heater against the the closest wall
This is more of an earthquake mitigation idea. By securing your water heater to the wall, when an earthquake hits, insteading of saying "oh no, an earthquake, where will I find clean fresh water? I am a victum", your response can be "Oh good, the water heater is still upright and I have a source of clean, fresh, hot water!"
